Editorial Policy

GetYourCoatsOn is dedicated to supporting creative work and those who make it happen. The guiding principle of our editorial policy is that our assessments should provide punters with a trustworthy consumer guide and producers with an informed peer-review. Reviews published by GetYourCoatsOn address all aspects of the work seen – not the work as it might, should or could have been.


Like some other review titles, we had originally been wary of star ratings. A show rated 3 stars or less might not attract the audiences that solid work, done well, deserves. Additionally, perceived ‘star inflation’, especially at EdFringe, has seemed to devalue the endorsement of a high star rating.

However, after our first year, we determined that the positives outweigh the negatives. Star ratings are helpful indicators. So long as readers are reasonably clear how a title awards its stars, and so long as producers continue to use pull-quotes to support the endorsement, star ratings serve as reliable shortcuts to the best reviews and to the best productions.

NB. If you are a producer and would like to discuss your rating, or any other aspect of your review, please get in touch.


A good review should be able to take subjective views into account while still presenting a balanced, objective, and informed opinion.

The GetYourCoatsOn team uses our ‘Nae Bad’ & ‘Outstanding’ labels as a means of articulating reviewers’ personal reactions to the shows they see. Thus a 3-star show might still be thought ‘Outstanding’ if our writer thinks something truly memorable has been achieved.


  1. APPRECIATE that no value is added unless we review as we would wish to be reviewed.

  1. SPEAK TRUTH and review honestly.

  1. CELEBRATE all talent, but do not review for friends, lovers, or rivals.

  1. MEDITATE on the art as art by reviewing with a clear and open mind.

  1. HONOUR the producers’ efforts by reviewing speedily and thoroughly.